CFA Bengals
Cat Fanciers Association
(Also, Still not ready for Mobile Phones/Tablets yet)
WELCOME to the new website for the Bengals of CFA!
This first page could be changed to photos of any of the Grands and/or Champions that were shown in CFA for our first year in championship - Please send me your photo/title/cat name/owner name/photographer so that I can include them if enough people want to participate.
If you are a CFA Judge, Exhibitor, Breeder or Pet Client, I hope you find this site helpful to build your knowledge of the CFA Standard for Bengals. It is the best way possible to include lots of photos and to have the ability to dive into the specifics that you might want at any given time. Everyone can look as deep as they would like on any particular aspect of the Bengal standard and move in/out of sections far easier than with PowerPoint presentations.
As of May 1st, 2018 - Bengals have officially been accepted into the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and are now allowed to compete for Titles and Regional/National Awards along side of other pedigreed cat breeds in this association! THANK YOU CFA for allowing us to become part of your association!
If you are a member of the Bengal Breed Council, please use the button below to read more about the special parts of this website that are dedicated to the ideas and feedback from all of the breed council members, CFA judges and board members. If you are a Bengal Breed council member, I promise to put your feedback on this site for everyone to see, read, absorb and give considered feedback on both the Rationales and the Obstacles for each idea presented.