2016 - 2019 CFA Bengal Standard for SEAL SILVER LYNX POINT:
(Rosetted/Spotted, Marble, Charcoal): Ground color ranges from icy white to pale cream, shading to lighter color on belly and chest. There should be very little or no difference between the color of the body markings and point color. Points silvery gray to brownish black barring, distinctly separated by silvery ground color. Seal coloring will be colder than non-silver seal lynx point. Underside of base of tail silver white. Ears silver toned with lighter thumbprint in center. NOSE LEATHER: Pink to brick red. PAW PADS: Dark Seal Brown. EYE COLOR: Blue
Seal Silver Lynx Point:
Breed Council Change Considerations:
NOTE: Rose highlight indicates a "Strike-through" of wording in the Bengal Breed standard to be removed. Gold highlight indicates an "underline" which is new wording being proposed to add in to the Bengal Standard.
1. Accept 2018 proposed CFA Bengal Standard for SEAL SILVER LYNX POINT, SEAL SILVER MINK TABBY, SEAL SILVER SEPIA TABBY as a combination color description vs. individual. Change the description wording as follows from the 2018 Ballot:
Same as for corresponding non-silver color, except coloring is colder and duller, cooler. and wWhite undercoat may be present, especially at underside of tail base.
A. Shortens the color portion our standard by combing 3 colors
B. These colors will be infrequently registered and shown.
C. We can separate these colors if we start to see more of them registered and shown in CFA.
D. Eye color and Tail Tip color are already included within the language of the first part of the first sentence.
E. Removed the word "duller" as this has a negative connotation to it and does not correctly represent the color of a Seal Silver Lynx Point Bengal.
PROPOSAL #62 on the 2019 Ballot. Ballot results: 41 yes, 28 No - 69 voters need 42 votes to pass. Did not pass by 1 vote.
2. ONLY If Proposal #62 (above) doesn't pass, we need to add in tail tip color as it is currently not addressed.
TAIL TIP: Dark brown to black.
Rationale: Tail tip is not addressed.
PROPOSAL #63 on the 2019 Ballot. Ballot results: 31 yes, 37 no - 68 voters need 68 votes to pass. Did not pass.
Breed Council Change Considerations for 2019 that did not get on the Ballot:
A. Accept 2018 proposed CFA Bengal Standard for SEAL SILVER LYNX POINT, SEAL SILVER MINK TABBY, SEAL SILVER SEPIA TABBY as a combination rather than individual color descriptions. Worded as follows:
SEAL SILVER SNOWS: Same as for corresponding non-silver color, except coloring is colder and duller, and white undercoat may be present, especially at underside of tail base.
A. Shortens the color portion our standard by combing 3 colors
B. These colors will be infrequently registered and shown.
C. We can separate these colors if we start to see more of them registered and shown in CFA.
D. Eye color and Tail Tip color are already included within the language of the first part of the first sentence.
A. Some council member don't agree that the word "duller" should be used. It has a negative connotation and is not the best way to represent the Seal Silver Lynx Pont Bengal.