2016 - 2019 CFA Bengal Standard for BLUE SILVER SEPIA TABBY:
(Rosetted/Spotted, Marble, Charcoal): Ground color is cream to light brown, or silvery blue with warm fawn overtones. Markings may be various shades of blue-gray to chocolate, with warm fawn overtones. Undersides and chest will be lighter than background color. Pigment around the eyes, temples, and muzzle is cream to fawn in color. Blue silver hues are most detectable on face, legs, back of ears and tail. NOSE LEATHER: Pink to brick red. PAW PADS: Blue-gray with rose tones. EYE COLOR: Green or gold.
Breed Council Change Considerations:
NOTE: Rose highlight indicates a "Strike-through" of wording in the Bengal Breed standard to be removed. Gold highlight indicates an "underline" which is new wording being proposed to add in to the Bengal Standard.
1. See "BLUE SILVER LYNX POINT" - We are suggesting that we combine the 3 color sections of Blue Silver Lynx Point, Blue Silver Mink and Blue Silver Sepia.
PROPOSAL #66 ON THE 2019 BALLOT. Ballot results: 40 yes, 27 no - 67 voters need 41 "yes" votes to pass. Did not pass.
2. ONLY If PROPOSAL #66 doesn't pass, we need to add in tail tip color as it is currently not addressed. We also should correct the ground color description - It states "light brown" but was probably meant to be "light blue".
Rationale: Tail tip is not addressed and correct a probable typo.
PROPOSAL #69 ON THE 2019 BALLOT. Ballot results: 29 yes, 37 no - 65 voters need 39 "yes" votes to pass. Did not pass.