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Points are allotted within the 6 pts for muzzle - (100 Points Total)

2016 - 2019 CFA Bengal Standard for Nose:

Large and wide, slightly puffed nose leather.  Bridge of nose extends above the eyes.

Examples of Noses:

Breed Council Change Considerations:

NOTE:  Rose highlight indicates a "Strike-through" of wording in the Bengal Breed standard to be removed.  Gold highlight indicates an "underline" which is new wording being proposed to add in to the Bengal Standard.

1.  Group of approx. 12 members have sent in this proposal for "NOSE":


Large and wide, slightly puffed nose leather. Bridge of nose extends above the eyes and makes a slight, to nearly straight, concave curve with no break.


A.  Group of 12:  The wide nose bridge is important to maintaining a proper wildcat expression. 

B.  BCS:  While the "PROFILE" description in our standard does state "Nose may have a slight concave curve", it may be nice to have it listed specifically under the nose as it is the main body part that we are addressing.


A.  Only submitted to BCS on 7/31 with only 2 weeks before the proposed ballot is required to be turned into CFA.

B.  No consensus within the CFA Breed Council for this change as it hasn't had time for people to see, read, discuss and suggest changes.

C.  Repeats something already addressed under "Profile".  As far as the rationale that the wide nose is important to a wildcat expression, it is already worded as "Large and wide" so the first rationale does not connect to the additional wording that is being suggested.

PROPOSAL #5 for the proposed 2019 Ballot. Results:  36 Yes, 33 No - 69 Voters needs 42 "yes" votes to pass.  Did not pass.






Breed Council Change Considerations for 2019 that did not get on the Ballot:

A.  Accept the changes proposed in 2018 (exactly the same as Marianne's 2017 proposed changes):


"Large and wide, with pronounced nose leather."

(Removes the phrase "Bridge of nose extends above the eyes." as it is already addressed in profile)



A.  49% of breed council already agreed to this wording during the 2018 vote.

B.  It is also agreed upon already by 2 other groups of council members. (Mariannes in 2017)

C.  The portion deleted is addressed by question #3 on 2019 Ballot regarding "PROFILE".

D.  This is a proposed change accepted by the majority of the breed council and has been discussed for a few years.


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