Worth 5 of the 30 points for Head - (100 Points Total)
2016 - 2019 CFA Bengal Standard for Skull:
No Current Description for "SKULL" - It is only addressed as part of the overall Head description yet points are given.
HEAD: Broad modified wedge with rounded contours, longer than wide, with high cheekbones. Slightly small in proportion to body, not to be taken to extreme. Top of skull flows back into the neck, with visible back skull. No flat planes. Allowance for jowls on mature males.
The photos below give examples are various aspects pertaining to the Skull within the CFA Bengal Standard.
Examples of HEADS - Notice that they are:
-longer than wide
-less and preferable no strong brow ridge
-Curve of skull with no (or less) flat planes
-Visible back skull

Examples of SKULL & HEAD Size in Comparison to body "Slightly small in proportion to body":

Examples of Kitten SKULLS - to help recognize what will develop as the kitten grows up:

I suspect this kitten will have a rounder head shape and may be too wide and too short

This brother has a more narrow face which I beleive will be better for the development in the future to create the best head style.

I suspect this kitten will have a shorter head shape and won't be "longer than wide"


Heavy/Prominent brow with deeper nose indent is less desired
Examples of LARGER HEADS (For body size) - Less desireable


This cats head shape looks more like the oriental breeds - technically it is longer than it is wide so it fits the standard but yet it is not what we are going for.
Breed Council Change Considerations:
NOTE: Rose highlight indicates a "Strike-through" of wording in the Bengal Breed standard to be removed. Gold highlight indicates an "underline" which is new wording being proposed to add in to the Bengal Standard.
1. Change the word “Skull” to “Shape” in the HEAD section of the Point Score as follows:
HEAD (30)
Skull Shape………………. 5
A. The words "Head Shape" include the soft tissue parts that are currently used to describe this section.
B. In the description section of our standard, we use the word "HEAD" vs. "SKULL. These terms should use consistent language.
C. "Skull" yet it is given points in the "Point Score" section of the standard yet it is not specifically described in the description section (Head is though).
C. More consistent with other breeds.
E. When judging the head, we say we want the head longer than wider and since this includes soft tissues like the nose, "Shape" may be a better word to use.
PROPOSAL #1 for the 2019 Ballot. Results: 38 Yes, 31 No - 69 Voters needs 42 "yes" votes to pass. Did not pass.
2. Change the HEAD description as follows:
HEAD: Broad, modified wedge with rounded contours, longer than wide, with high cheekbones. Slightly small in proportion to body, not to be taken to extreme. Top of skull flows back into the neck, with visible back skull. Flat planes less desirable. No flat planes. Allowance for jowls on mature males.
A. Nearly all 5th generation from wild Bengals (and further) will have some sort of flat plane to their skull.
B. We could vote to remove the phrase entirely but there is a concern that this would dumb down the Bengal standard too much and may inadvertently create Bengals who don't continue to improve upon the work already don with removing the strong dippy nose bridges.
C. If we choose to focus on too many ALC physical traits, we can unintentionally increase the percentage of wild DNA.
D. More physical traits that are wild genetically, are tied with more wild personality traits genetically - Do we want more wild DNA in our domestic Bengal?
E. Allowance for jowls in males is already written in the Allowances section.
A. Bengals with a full convex curve from the tip of their nose, through their eye bridge, forehead and all the way to the back-skull is an ideal that many of us have been working towards.
B. Many Breeders feel that the ideal head has no flat planes and that the CFA Standard should be a description for the "Ideal Bengal" and not the currently shown Bengal.
PROPOSAL #2 for the 2019 Ballot. Results: 30 Yes, 39 No - 69 Voters needs 42 "yes" votes to pass - Did not pass.