HEAD - 30 Points
Worth 30 of the 100 Points
The head of the Bengal Cat is like no other cat due to the genetics that we have brought down from it's wild ancestor the Asian Leopard Cat (ALC). Please explore these aspects by clicking on the button to go to the webpage that corresponds to that part of the head.
2016 - 2019 CFA Bengal Standard for HEAD:
Broad modified wedge with rounded contours, longer than wide, with high cheekbones. Slightly small in proportion to body, not to be taken to extreme. Top of skull flows back into the neck, with visible back skull. No flat planes. Allowance for jowls on mature males.
Sections below are in order of the Point Score section first, then the description section secondly.
Click Button to go to the SKULL Webpage - (worth 5 Points)
Click Button to go to the MUZZLE Webpage - (worth 6 Points)
Click Button to go to the NOSE Webpage - (within muzzle & profile points)
Click Button to go to the PROFILE Webpage - (worth 4 Points)
Click Button to go to the EARS Webpage - (worth 6 Points)
Click Button to go to the EYES Webpage - (worth 6 Points)
Click Button to go to the CHIN Webpage - (worth 3 Points)
Click Button to go to the NECK Webpage - (worth ? Points)
Note: The neck description is listed under the head aspects and above body so it seems to be included as part of the "HEAD" - but it is not specifically addressed.
Breed Council Change Considerations:
1. Change the "NECK" description section from being under "HEAD" being listed under "BODY".
A. As far as structure goes, the longer vertebrae and muscle of the neck seem to fit better with the aspects described in "BODY" than they do the head.
PROPOSAL #17 for the 2019 Ballot. Results: 27 Yes, 41 No - 68 Voters needs 41 votes to pass. Did not pass.